“A house which is divided can never stand.” – Abraham Lincoln
What Abraham Lincoln was referring to here is when individuals reside together (same team during war, same side during debate etc) and are in disagreement with one another, they shall fall apart, rather than win the fight. In this instance, they turn on each other, decreasing their defences and they eventually weaken their ability to succeed.
I am taking this quote one step further by saying, this too can also be said for an individual. What l mean by this is, our super conscious (our soul) and our subconscious (our belief) can stand together or weaken their defences making the goal difficult to achieve.
Here is an analogy:
Our super conscious is Commander and Chief who knows all, our subconscious is the Captain who determines the result, and our conscious mind is the recruits who make decisions and take action. Our soul speaks to our subconscious constantly. These demands are held by the subconscious, who interprets them and based on its belief, translates the message to our conscious mind. These demands are sent to the conscious mind through feelings.
When the super conscious mind and the subconscious mind are out of alignment, fear, anxiety, frustration and lack tend to be most prominent. These feelings tell the conscious brain to stand still rather than take action. What the conscious brain is hearing is “Hold still for we are at war with ourselves!” When this happens, little action is taken and a feeling of discontentment takes over. We avoid rather than go after and we stand still rather than move forward. As long as the super conscious and subconscious mind are in disagreement, the action the conscious brain takes becomes fruitless. Therefore “a house which is divided can never stand.”
It is for this reason, we must train our brain by making the subconscious believe we are meant to have what we desire and we have the tools to achieve what we set out to do. When the super conscious and subconscious are in alignment we experience joy, excitement, enthusiasm, and confidence. These feelings tell our conscious brain to move forward and make it happen for we are winning!
To know if you are in our out of alignment is to check your feelings on a regular basis. If you are experiencing anything which makes you uncomfortable, your soul and subconscious are fighting against one another. When you are aware of this, make a decision. Decide to either do nothing about it and stay where you are, or choose to change the belief in the outcome so you can take action and move forward.
When you are experiencing feelings of excitement, confidence, joy and fulfillment, you are in alignment with your desires and taking action to achieve or maintain them in your life! When you notice these feelings, choose to move ahead and believe in yourself to achieve all you set out to do!
Keep smiling that gorgeous smile of yours!
Kindest of Regards,
Claire McGee
T.S. Consulting Ltd / http://www.ibelievethereforeiam.com/
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