Friday, December 17, 2010

Our Results Are The Summation Of What Our Brain Focuses On

“What our brain focuses on, creates the outcome.  When we focus on negative, we receive negative.  When we focus on productive we witness successful results!” ~ Claire McGee

Our world is made up of words which have been ingrained in our human nature which date back many centuries.  These words were comprised from educated individuals which showed their learned experiences and justified their intelligence above others during the same time frame.  Due to this, instruction/direction in business and at home, often offer less than satisfying results.  Reason being, we are accustom to speaking in the negative which results in mistakes, misunderstandings, communication breakdown and continued delays.

Remember, our beliefs (which are at the subconscious level) triggers emotional and natural reactions.  These reactions cause us to make conscious decisions.  These decisions prompt our body to take action.  Our actions cause us to experience a result.  These results reinforce our strong belief and expectations of an outcome.  Therefore whatever we tell our brain to focus on, we create a mirrored result!

As an example, if I were to say to you “Don’t think of your family” or “Don’t think of a banana” your brain starts to focus on exactly that.  Whatever you tell your brain, be it “don’t” or “do”, you cause yourself or someone else to focus it.  When we focus on it, we take action to satisfy a decision causing a result!  It is for this reason, whenever we are giving directives at work or at home, it is best to always speak in the affirmative!  After all, it is the affirmative results we are looking for!

Here are a few examples.

Always give direction in the affirmative to get positive results.  Avoid the word "don't" for this gives negative results.

A small child is venturing very close to a fireplace which is dancing with flames keeping your house warm.  This child is extremely curious and wants to touch the flame because it is beautiful and it glows.  As a concerned adult the first thing we think of is, "Don't touch the fireplace" which is a negative directive.   We have told this child to focus on touching the fireplace and is now even more focused on doing so!  It gets to the point where we have to push his hand away or move him somewhere else and say “I told you no”.  Sound familiar?  Rather than say “Don’t touch the fireplace” say what it is you actually want him to do which is, "Stay away from the fireplace, it's hot.”  When we say it in this fashion this little one’s brain focuses on moving away which results in his body satisfying the need. 

Directives are extremely important when it comes to safety.  Below are a few more made up examples for work health and safety.

"Don't wear long jewellery or clothing because it can get caught in the machine." Negative Directive.

"Wear fitting clothing to work when operating this machine." Affirmative Directive.

"Don't turn the machine on when there are employees standing near." Negative Directive

"Make certain the area is clear of employees before turning the machine on."  Affirmative Directive

"Don't forget to turn the machine off before leaving the building." Negative Directive.

"Remember to turn the machine off before leaving the building."  Affirmative Directive

"Do not leave this machine unattended at any time." Negative Directive.

"Make certain someone is attending this machine at all time." Affirmative Directive.

Do you remember a time where you said something to someone only for them to do the exact opposite of what you thought you asked?  Did the conversation go a little like this “I told you not to!” / “Why did you do that I said don’t!”  If you are able to recall instances like this the above may be the reason for it.  As you go forward remember phrase your directives in such a way so as to receive the results you actually want.  Tell someone what you want them to do for this is the results you can expect!

Keep smiling!

Claire McGee

Monday, December 13, 2010

A House Which Is Divided Can Never Stand ~ Abraham Lincoln

“A house which is divided can never stand.” – Abraham Lincoln

What Abraham Lincoln was referring to here is when individuals reside together (same team during war, same side during debate etc) and are in disagreement with one another, they shall fall apart, rather than win the fight.  In this instance, they turn on each other, decreasing their defences and they eventually weaken their ability to succeed.

I am taking this quote one step further by saying, this too can also be said for an individual. What l mean by this is, our super conscious (our soul) and our subconscious (our belief) can stand together or weaken their defences making the goal difficult to achieve.   

Here is an analogy:

Our super conscious is Commander and Chief who knows all, our subconscious is the Captain who determines the result, and our conscious mind is the recruits who make decisions and take action.  Our soul speaks to our subconscious constantly. These demands are held by the subconscious, who interprets them and based on its belief, translates the message to our conscious mind.  These demands are sent to the conscious mind through feelings. 

When the super conscious mind and the subconscious mind are out of alignment, fear, anxiety, frustration and lack tend to be most prominent.  These feelings tell the conscious brain to stand still rather than take action.  What the conscious brain is hearing is “Hold still for we are at war with ourselves!”  When this happens, little action is taken and a feeling of discontentment takes over.  We avoid rather than go after and we stand still rather than move forward.  As long as the super conscious and subconscious mind are in disagreement, the action the conscious brain takes becomes fruitless.  Therefore “a house which is divided can never stand.”

It is for this reason, we must train our brain by making the subconscious believe we are meant to have what we desire and we have the tools to achieve what we set out to do.  When the super conscious and subconscious are in alignment we experience joy, excitement, enthusiasm, and confidence.  These feelings tell our conscious brain to move forward and make it happen for we are winning!

To know if you are in our out of alignment is to check your feelings on a regular basis.  If you are experiencing anything which makes you uncomfortable, your soul and subconscious are fighting against one another.  When you are aware of this, make a decision.  Decide to either do nothing about it and stay where you are, or choose to change the belief in the outcome so you can take action and move forward.

When you are experiencing feelings of excitement, confidence, joy and fulfillment, you are in alignment with your desires and taking action to achieve or maintain them in your life!  When you notice these feelings, choose to move ahead and believe in yourself to achieve all you set out to do!

Keep smiling that gorgeous smile of yours!

Kindest of Regards,

Claire McGee

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Creating Your Life's Mission Statement.

Today’s message is about creating your life’s mission statement.

“He who reigns within himself and rules his passion, desires, and fears is more than king.” – John Milton

Inspiration can lift mountains, separate oceans and create the wind needed within our minds and bodies to soar toward our dreams and desires.  The most profound inspiration comes from within.  The soft voice inside which radiates love and kindness who wants to be heard.  This voice would like us to know what our true calling is.  This voice is asking us to listen to what we desire in life and ask for a commitment from us to achieve it.   Every now and then this voice becomes quiet, only to remind us at times with a nagging feeling, this beautiful spirit wishes to be heard.  Today is the day to listen to it, our soul, and build a relationship.  It is time to write our mission statement and to use it whenever we need reminding of who we are, what our soul truly desires and what we are committed to do when reaching for it!

Companies use mission statements to inspire their staff and clients.  It is a firm commitment;  a promise to work by and deliver the highest of potential.  We can consider ourselves like a company.  Our super-conscious (spirit or soul) is the company asking for this to be accomplished.  Our conscious mind and our bodies is the employees that make this promise a reality and our clients are comprised of the world around us.  Today, I am writing my mission statement which I am sharing with you.  When you have a moment, take out a pen and write yours for it is a crucial part in inspiring yourself and making your dreams come true!

Before we write this mission statement let’s look at one way it may have been written by a company:

  “At ABC company we strive to ensure top quality service, products and support for our clients.”

In the above statement the mission statement reads “strive”   Words are very powerful and our subconscious mind takes what we tell it quite literally, which in turn, shapes our decision making and our actions.  In this instance the employees and company are always striving for the end result rather than achieving and maintaining it.  With that said, when writing the mission statement always use present tense (as if this is already accomplished and being maintained).  By writing in the present tense, our decisions and actions fall in line with creating and maintaining the desired results in our lives.

Here is my mission statement:

“Claire McGee continues to provide amazing seminars and classes for which she inspires people to realize their greatest potential and through this commitment, maintains a healthy mind, body and spirit while being a beautiful wife, loving mother, outstanding daughter and fiercely good friend to all she comes in contact with.”

This statement is my life’s commitment.  It speaks from my soul and is my true desire.  I am constantly achieving this and maintaining this in my life.  I believe in this life and the ability to have it! 

Now is the time to write yours.  What is your mission statement?  What are you hearing from your soul and what are you going to do to commit to it?  You are an amazing person with many talents and passions.  You, like me, deserve the very best life has to offer and it is through your higher self realization that you have what it takes to achieve anything!  Stand tall, be proud and let your voice be heard!

Have a great day and keep smiling that gorgeous smile of yours!

Kindest of Regards,


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Today's message is reflection on all that has been gained through an experience.

"There are many obstacles and hardships in life and there are even more people who overcome them."  ~ Helen Kellar

There are many times in a person's life where things seem to be dismal.  When we are in the law of gestation we are in a waiting game.  The patience which is demanded of us can be difficult for some and causes them to doubt the successful outcome.  It is also during this period we are living out what we previously manifested and if we were manifesting struggle and discord, we shall experience this as we created it to be so.  Having both these experiences at the same time can be tiring and cause one to lose hope. 
It is normal and understandable!  There is a way to keep positive and keep moving forward toward your goals!  My Mum, whom I love dearly, suggested I write down all the pros and cons which have happened over the course of opening our business.  For you see, although I teach the program to believe in our dreams, I too have days of struggle.  This is because, prior to being aware of what power lies in the law of attraction, I was attracting and have experienced hardship.  The suggestion my Mum gave was to write a list and she said she guarantees the list of pros far out way the list of cons.  Here is my list...
My life experiences over the past 4 years:
  • Had the confidence and stubbornness to get well
  • I walked away from disability
  • I did what many feel are unable to do and that is follow my dream
  • I met amazing and wonderful people
  • Made a positive difference in many people's lives
  • Wrote and developed a course which teaches people what it takes to develop and use their intuition
  • I succeeded at teaching individuals that they are unique and have unique intuitive experiences.  This approach has not been done in the past with any book I have read
  • I successfully sold the rights to this course because it is so well received
  • I wrote and developed a program for Training the Brain for Success
  • Stood up in front of audiences to inspire them and help them to see the successes they already are
  • Taught classes for people to believe in their ability to achieve their goals
  • Learned what not to do when making sound financial business decisions
  • Helped many people heal through one on one sessions
  • Inspired people
  • Love people
  • Made dear friends
  • Learned how to believe in myself and others
  • Became an inspiration to my children
  • Became a positive role model for my children
  • Built a strong loving relationship with my Mum!
  • Successfully wrote a book, which is being published by Kallisti Publishing (  to help inspire and teach others to achieve their goals!
What difficult things we went through to have all this?
  • Lost our home (expensive to maintain and renovate anyway.  A blessing really)
  • Lost my beautiful dog Sam (he now has a loving home and is taken care of)
  • Credit score is down the tubes (can build that back up.  I am still young!)
  • Cried many times (Have laughed and smiled even more!)
Is it all worth it?   YES!!! and am still believing and dreaming...I have what it takes and so do you!
I wrote all this to give an example for you.  Whenever you are down and wonder if it is all worth it, try this exercise.  See the value you have given and the value you have received.  By doing this, we gain an inner strength and a new perspective making it far easier to have patience during the law of gestation.   Try it and notice how extremely valuable you are and how extremely valuable life's experiences have for you!

Have a great day and keep smiling that gorgeous smile of yours!


Claire McGee M.Msc